Nail Care
Hand Treatments
File and Cut - £10.00
File and Polish - £15.00
File and Gel Polish - £25.00
File and Gel Polish, including removal (Blossom products only) - £30.00
Full Manicure
Nails are cut and filed then gently soaked, cuticles nourished, tidied, hands massaged and polished.
Nail Polish - £22.00 | 60 minutes
Gel Polish - £32.50 | 60 minutes
including a Gel removal of Blossoms products only £37.50
Gel Removal - £10.00
Repairs - £3.00 per nail
Luxury Manicure
A pampering full manicure including hand exfoliation, massage of hands and arms, application of hand mask and heated mitts.
£29.50 | 75 minutes
Paraffin Wax Treatment
Hands massaged to ease aches and pains then bathed in warm paraffin wax with heated mitts. Great for anyone suffering with arthritis, poor circulation and certain skin conditions.
£18.00 | 30 minutes
Paraffin Wax Manicure
A deeply hydrating treatment excellent for eczema, soothing arthritis and improving the circulation, includes a full manicure and hands are bathed in warm paraffin wax with heated mitts.
£35.00 | 90 minutes
Foot Treatments
File and Cut - £10.00
File and Polish - £15.00
File and Gel Polish - £25.00
File and Gel Polish, including removal (Blossom products only) - £30.00
Full Pedicure
Toe nails trimmed and filed, feet are soaked, cuticles tidied, rough skin removed, foot massage and polished.
Nail Polish - £25.00 | 60 minutes
Gel Polish - £35.00 | 60 minutes
including a Gel removal of Blossoms products only £40.00
Luxury Pedicure
A pampering pedicure treatment including exfoliation, massage of feet and lower legs, removal of rough skin, application of moisturiser and foot mask followed by warming heated boots, file and polish.
£34.50 | 75 minutes
Paraffin Wax Pedicure
Extra hydrating and softening for your skin. Excellent for soothing eczema, arthritis and improving circulation.Includes full pedicure and feet are bathed in warm paraffin wax with warming heated boots, file and polish.
£45.00 | 90 minutes